Dairy embryo genetics programmes

The latest Dairy embryo transfer techniques and programmes to boost your herd’s productivity.

Dairy Cattle embryo transfer has transformed the Livestock industry making it the most exciting and progressive procedure available to today’s Dairy producers. Conventional methods produce on average six to seven calves in a cow’s lifetime. Bovine Genetics has developed ground breaking embryo transfer techniques which improve fertility success rates. It has never been more viable to ensure your own herd’s future by embryo transfer. By selecting your best genetic cows and sexed semen we can improve your herds performance, with no waste, and build for the future with confidence and viability.

Our success is your future

Genetic services

Dairy Success Story

On site services

Embryo Transfer

Embryo Collection

Single Egg Collection

Genetic Sourcing

Genetic Screening

Embryos, Global Import/Export

 Breed – Ayrshire heifer

Some time ago a breeder from North Wales asked us to have an Ayrshire heifer that he had imported from Canada. He had failed over 6 months and 2 bulls to get her in calf. She was then presented to us for flushing; the first time produced no fertile embryos and the second collection we had 1 very young morula embryo out of 6. A careful adjustment of the programme gave us a collection of 8 grade 1 embryos, which was all down to getting to know her as an individual. We were then asked to get her in calf, which we achieved first time!

Residential Centre

On Farm Service

Pregnancy Scanning

Recipient Sourcing and Programming

Defra/EU Valid Team and Establishment


genetics programmes for today’s livestock